The MANTRA is a mystic formula - a sound, a
syllable, a word or phrase containing special powers, they are chanted aloud to
create force fields or repeated within to quieten and harmonise the mind. The
inner bodies are calmed and purified through the powerful subtle emanations of
the inner mantra.
The mantra is bestowed by an Initiated Master who
has been entrusted with the responsibilities and powerful mysteries which must
be performed when bestowing such a mantra, given otherwise the mantra has no
power and is useless.
There are only a few mantras in the world the power
and selection of the mantra are chosen by the bestower, who works in accordance
with the Universal Laws and cannot and will not go against these laws.
Usually when one comes forward for initiation a lot
of work and energy goes on behind the scenes, actually the bestower must work
within the Laws of Karma to modify the vibration of the aspirant so that they
are able to receive 'the vibration of the mantra' in what I call embryo form.
The vibration is different for all aspirants although the mantra or words may
be the same. When the aspirant's vibration is ready the mantra is bestowed at
an initiation ceremony.
The mantra should be repeated along with the
inhalation and exhalation of the breath. The most used and famous mantra is one
you were born with, it is your heritage to assist you in your physical life it
is 'SO HAM'.
I would like you to stop reading for a moment and
listen to your breath. Now concentrate on the inhalation and exhalation. I
believe that you were not aware of your breathing before you begun to
concentrate on it, but you would have heard the sound it makes.
On the inward breath it was sucked in and the sound
was SO, as you exhaled you relaxed and the sound was HAM. At the time you were
concentrating on your breath you were not thinking of anything else. 'Think
about that' you had become and attained what yogis call one pointed
One pointed concentration is the requirement
necessary for the soul to gain control of the physical mind and body, which is
Self Realisation a point where the soul or your higher consciousness is in
control. You will no longer act and react through the primordial faculty of
instinct, but with a mature instinctive understanding of the world around you
and its requirements both on a Karmic and Spiritual level.
The mantra may be used in different ways, aloud as
Japa, quietly with the breath to enhance and if necessary change the vibration
of the breath to allow the body, mind and deeper conscious levels to come into
harmony so that the soul state can begin to wake up and take control. It is
known as the vehicle to meditation, repeated prior and during meditation it
balances the vibration. Only then can the ego begin to mature allowing the
essence of the ego the 'I NESS' to develop bringing you into a different mind
set, your discerning faculty becomes stronger, you will also begin to think and
act within the sphere of your higher consciousness.
It's not today the Mantra tomorrow I am realized,
it takes many years and a lot of work. Perseverance, self discipline and
humility are required but the rewards mentally and spiritually are enormous.
Many branches of Lineage Yoga use the mantra 'SO
HAM' only, and have reported that no other mantra is necessary for Self
Realisation, with that in mind you should begin now. 'SO HAM' translated means
I AM, the SO meaning 'that' or God / Universal Consciousness, HAM meaning 'me'
signifying the union between you and your Creator.
Yogis believe the breath is the closest physical
vibration to the Universal Consciousness as it contains the essential
vibrational building ingredients of the universe. As you inhale you draw in
positive life force containing the vibration of Akasha (the memory vibration of
all that was, is and will be). The repeated mantra 'SO HAM' is asking you to
remember you 'the breather' are only the physical body the 'I' is your soul,
and the 'I NESS' is the Godhead.
There are some who believe that the mantra above
should be repeated as 'HAM SO', pronounced Hum Za, but I believe that this is too
hard in sound, giving it a somewhat negative vibration. If you stop reading and
repeat the mantra 'HAM SO' then you will understand the vibrational difference,
then try repeating the 'SO HAM' mantra as I have already described you will
understand the difference. 'SO HAM' is much softer in vibration, the subtle
emanations from this mantra are able to help you transcend the bonds of
Samsara, the continual cycle of birth and death.
Find a place where you can sit quietly, make it
your refuge, make sure you will be comfortable and your spine is erect. Don't
lie down unless you can't sit comfortably as the supine position will make you
sleepy. You may sit in a comfortable chair but have your shoes off.
Now begin on the inward breath and repeat the words
'SO' then as you breathe out release the breath with the sound 'HAM'. Very soon
you will relax, letting go of your physical mind and slowly as your meditation
deepens it will allow you to join with the Universal Consciousness. At this
moment you will understand that you have overcome duality of your God being
outside of you, finally you will have joined that God and you have become I AM