To all the followers of Samata Yoga
and the blog here in Australia and around the world
I wish you all
Season’s Greetings
and hope that the New Year
is full of joy and personal achievement
Durga Swami
This past year 2012 has been one of change and renewal. Many of us
have experienced changes where we have needed to look deep within for not only
personal strength, but also the strength of our convictions, that inner drive
that propels us ever forward to the goal of self-realisation.
For me the year 2012 was one of meeting and reaching out to the many seekers
which I have had the honor of meeting and teaching not only here but also
abroad. To all of you I extend greetings for the festive season may it be
a safe and happy experience.
During the celebration of Christmas try to remain in the moment and truly
experience all of life’s bounty and richness of spirit that surrounds
you. At the same time give some thought to those less fortunate than
My meditations and prayers will be with you all as this year draws to a
close and a New Year dawns. Durga Swami