Monday, October 29, 2012

UNLOCKING the Profound Mysteries of Healing

Two Day Workshop for Health & Wellbeing Professionals
Castlemaine 16 - 17th February 2013 

Presented by Swami Durgananda
I am the principal of the ‘Samata Lineage’ a very ancient lineage of Spiritual Masters that is known for the healing qualities of the practise and the healing abilities of its Masters.
Over the two day healing workshop I will take you on a journey explaining the immense importance of complementary medicine and the significance of combining the allopathic with homeopathic and the importance of seeing the patient as a whole not just a physical entity.
I will explain the importance of overcoming the ‘I am a healer’ concept and ‘ego’ so you are able to read the energetic vibration of each individual.  In Ayurveda we believe that each person is spiritual, in this age it is necessary to be balanced to bring about harmony of body and mind.
I have personally been treated in Europe by medical specialists who have only used homeopathic medicine and I have been trained by both Russian and Chinese medical specialists in the tradition of bio-energetic healing which is practised in hospitals in both countries, this information is important in your work as healers.
I will provide valuable advice on the healer protection rituals that are so vital in maintaining the high standards healers set themselves today. 
My workshops are very interactive and you will experience both theoretical and practical information. My belief is that all healers deserve a deep and profound knowledge of the metaphysical elements of the universe in order to practise their modality to the best of their ability.  

I look forward to meeting you all. Swami Durgananda

For information & bookings contact:
Jennifer King on M: 0458 688 250 or E:

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